
AMAG Austria Metall AG: Announcement sec. 93 para. 2 BörseG with objective of Europe-wide dissemination

Ranshofen (pta005/19.01.2015/08:00 UTC+1) AMAG Austria Metall AG ("AMAG") (ISIN AT00000AMAG3) listed on the Prime Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange was informed by B & C Holding Österreich GmbH (registry number FN 425450m) of the following facts pursuant to sec. 91 et seq. of the Stock Exchange Act, and AMAG therefore announces as follows in accordance with sec. 93 para. 2 of the Stock Exchange Act:

1.) Pursuant to sections 91, 92 of the Stock Exchange Act, the following voting rights in AMAG Austria Metall AG (registry number FN 310593f; hereinafter "AMAG") are attributable to B & C Industrieholding GmbH (FN 215332s; hereinafter "BCIH"):

16,858,894 voting rights are attributable to BCIH because its subsidiary B & C Alpha Holding GmbH (FN 320526m), which is indirectly wholly-owned by BCIH as BCIH holds the only corporate share in B & C Lambda Holding GmbH (FN 400547s), the sole shareholder of B & C Alpha Holding GmbH, is the owner of 16,858,894 shares in AMAG.

A further 1,729,737 voting rights are attributable to BCIH because its subsidiary B & C Pontos Holding GmbH (FN 392496a), which is indirectly wholly-owned by BCIH as BCIH holds the only corporate share in B & C Triton Holding GmbH (FN 383080d), the sole shareholder of B & C Pontos Holding GmbH, is the owner of 1,729,737 shares in AMAG.

Due to agreements concluded with AMAG Employees Private Foundation and with Oberbank AG, a further 3,957,370 AMAG shares and an identical number of voting rights are attributable to BCIH pursuant to sec. 92 of the Stock Exchange Act.

Thus, a total of 22,546,001 of AMAG shares (63.93% of the voting capital stock) and an identical number of voting rights in AMAG are attributable to BCIH.

BCIH does not hold any notifiable financial instruments pursuant to sec. 91a of the Stock Exchange Act.

2.) On January 14, 2015, B & C Privatstiftung (FN 203482p) concluded a contribution agreement with B & C Holding Österreich GmbH (FN 425450m; hereinafter "BCHÖ") on the contribution to BCHÖ of its only corporate share in BCIH and transferred its shareholding in BCIH to BCHÖ. As from January 14, 2015, 22,546,001 voting rights in AMAG have therefore been attributable to BCHÖ according to sections 91, 92 of the Stock Exchange Act. BCHÖ thus exceeded the notifiable limit of 50% according to sec. 91 para. 1 of the Stock Exchange Act on January 14, 2015.

BCHÖ does not hold any notifiable financial instruments pursuant to sec. 91a of the Stock Exchange Act.

3.) As B & C Privatstiftung is the sole shareholder of BCHÖ and the latter holds the only corporate share in BCIH, the percentage of the voting capital stock of AMAG attributable to B & C Privatstiftung through its subsidiaries remains unchanged at about 63.93%.

The total number of shares and voting rights in AMAG is 35,264,000.


Emitter: AMAG Austria Metall AG
Lamprechtshausenerstraße 61
5282 Ranshofen
Contact Person: Dipl.Kfm. Felix Demmelhuber
Phone: +43 7722 801 2203
ISIN(s): AT00000AMAG3 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)